Last week was an awfully tough week. It was way too cold to work outside and everything inside was waiting on the concrete man. He did some clean up of the floor one day, but didn't start grinding on it until this week. The grinding exposes the suspended aggragate. This picture gives an idea of what it looks like after the rough grinding is done. I understand that the plan is to use progressively finer grit "sand paper" to bring it to a shine. The outside pictures show the cedar applied to the front, lower level. This wood is finished with bleaching oil and should become better looking with age. Right now I think it might look a little unfinished, but the other siding needs to be painted and the roof has to go on and I'm going to be patient.
Jeff was traveling again this week and on Monday I told Abby that I didn't know where he was. On Tuesday we talked again and she asked if we shouldn't know where he is. I said, "oh he's in Kansas City-I just forgot". Some people think that is wierd, especially my sister Kris who likes to quiz me just for fun. I, on the other hand, know when he is coming home and that is good enough for me. Yesterday, Wednesday, Kris and I went to Burnsville to have our haircut. Our Mom and Dad think that that is hysterical (or ridiculous) to go to Burnsville for a haircut. I would only be guessing, but Kris has used the same stylist for say 15 years and didn't want to change when she moved out here to the northwest boonies. I moved to town and my stylist of 15 years or so was out of the question at approximately 200 miles away. So we do this sisterly bonding thing and I go to Burnsville with her. I found the haircut noteworthy because it is "the haircut" before Jeff and I head to Mexico. I have a new swimsuit, am starting to get a little tan, and my bag is almost packed. Sunshine here we come!
Kevin claims that our cabinets should be delivered while we are gone and the hardwood floor upstairs done. Un Be Damn Lievable, I say:)