Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Framing Progress - December 5th Update

The crew is moving along pretty good considering the 12" of snow that have fallen since last Saturday, December 1st. Attached are pictures of the progress since the last posting following the framing on the 1st level just a week ago. Even with the snow, they've framed the 2nd floor and have the majority of the roof trusses completed. The plans are to lay plywood for the roof on Thursday with intentions of getting the furnace fired up in the house early next week to start warming things to continue. We'll just sit back and watch the gas bill - not a typical December, but of course this is how Minnesota winters used to be 20+ years ago. Enjoy the pictures...we even have some candid photos of the crew along with Stephen getting his truck and new trailer stuck on Tuesday.

This first set of pictures is following the first snow of the season on Saturday. In addition a couple pictures of the garage/guest house following the metal roof installation and glass door installation earlier in the week.

Pictures taken on Tuesday, December 4th - as you can the 2nd floor is coming along. This is the south side of the house below.

Back side of the house - river side (north)

Below is the 2nd floor looking to the east or the west side of the house.

Our bedroom area, bathroom, mechanical room area and entry from garage.

The crew of Todd, Kevin and Stephen.

Pictures of Stephen getting stuck on Tuesday and finally getting pulled out:

Roof trusses started on Wednesday, December 5th:

Looking out to the east and south of the main living area of the house.

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