Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend - 2007

Today is Saturday, November 24th and everyone is working today except for me! However, I did spend about 2 hours outside cutting down some trees on the river side prior to the house framing starting. This way, I don't have to worry about which direction they fall and a few of them fell in the direction of the new house location. Spending a couple of hours on the chainsaw isn't like it used to be back many years ago when we cleared the lot for our house in Wisconsin Rapids....this is definitely hard work. I believe that for the most part, all the trees that Shelly would like down have been done. Now, I just have to cut them up into fireplace size logs for future use in the new house.

We've enjoyed having Aaron home over the holidays and I will take him back to Gustavus tomorrow afternoon. Here are some pictures of Aaron at home.

As you can see our animals are getting situated and comfortable with their new living quarters in the guest house/garage.

Here are a few pictures from this afternoon showing the completed foundation of the new house.

Foundation on west end - our bedroom area.

Foundation looking east along the southern side of the house.

Porch area and entry to the new house.

Foundation for the fireplace.

Foundation on the east side of house - screen porch location.

This will be the view from our living and dining area.

This will be the view from the kitchen area.

This will be the view from our bedroom area.

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